
After experiencing Neither Black Nor White, it's time to shift the topic towards relationships. As a Human, relationships matters a lot for our existence. Sometimes how hard the life challenges you, these relationships guide us to get over it and be successful. This time the article was handed over by former chief organizer of FMF Media Ashwini and let's see how she thinks about relationships and invite you all to rethink about the relationships you came across since the day you were born into this world till now.  
“Life is collection of relationships, make sure that you do justice to all your relationships”

A human life is started from a mother’s womb and ended in a graveyard. Between these two places a person will have a collection of relationships and will go through happiness, joy, many adventures, love as well as unhappiness, sorrow, obstacles and hatred. A human life is never filled only with happiness it is a combination of both happiness and sorrow.
Once a human life is started a line of relationships also begins with them.

As soon as a child is born the first relationship starts with the child’s mother. It is an important primary relationship. The role of a mother in a child’s life can never be replaced by anyone in the whole world. A mother gives a child what it needs the most. Mother gives the child warmth, supportiveness. There is no other place a child can be felt loved and comforted than a mothers’ lap. No matter how old a child grows you will always be a child to your mother and make sure that you take care of her the way she took care of you and make her proud in every way you could.

Father-child relationship also hold an important role in a child’s life. Every child will want to make their father proud. A father is the central to the emotional wellness of their children.
A child’s relationship with their father will affect all the relationships he or she will have from birth to death. There is a saying that the “girls will look for men who hold the patterns of her dad” and “boys will model themselves after their fathers.

Therefore, the two most important relationships in life would be the relationship with the mother and father.

A sibling plays a very unique role. They are your companions and also your secret keepers. Siblings are the only people with whom we will have a life-long relationship. It is said that “sibling is a built-in best friend for life. It is the strongest lifetime bond.
It is shown in many studies that the people who are emotionally close to their siblings have higher satisfaction and lower rates of depression.

A true friend will always stand up for you. If a person tries to hurt you, your friend will always make sure that you are safe. Friendship is a very important relationship in a human life. A child with no friends will always feel lonely, will always feel neglected and when he or she is unhappy there is no one to pacify her or wipe her tears. That’s the biggest sorrow you will ever get. You should be able to build strong friendships which are healthy and which will remain until your life ends.

The last relationship in any human’s life would be love. Any person will want to fall in love with the best person in the world. There is no such best person in the world. Different people fall in love with different people. Some people fall in love with their best friend who knows everything about them and who has supported them throughout. Fall in love with the person who makes you feel special every minute you spend with them, also a person who will care for you in every situation. Make sure that you will never leave such a person because it is you who will regret.

To enjoy life, you should be able to enjoy and live all your relationships. If so you will be the happiest person on earth.

A.P. De Silva
Third Year
Department of Business Economics
Faculty of Management & Finance

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