Did Corona Really Attack Daily Income Earners?

 Did Corona Really Attack Daily Income Earners?

After, the article of "Help a fellow men", we decided to meet with article " Did Corona Really attack daily income earners". This article is written by M.I.B.G.N.M.I.Bandara, first year student of Faculty of Management & Finance. 

Corona! Sounds familiar? For some people, this word itself, is a big headache on the other hand a blessing for another. How hard Corona did attack the lives of people? Did anyone think a virus could affect entire world of economy?

It simply depends on the way a person look through. There are pros as well as cons. One might kicked out from his job when companies failed even to think about themselves.. And another might make this a chance to get up by their own and become an entrepreneur by seeking opportunities amidst hardships.

It is crystal clear, corona interrupted the whole wide economy by locking down countries and stocking all bread winners of the families under a roof. People struggled a lot to go through these hardships. It will be really hard to imagine the life of a daily income earner.

All these aspects reveal something that we are not exposed to. Corona teaches us a life lesson. If you have to assure your life you have to pre plan the procedure. Try to save day by day. Think of uncertainties and get prepared. It is good to have a backup plan rather than ruining ourselves at the hands of an uncontrollable factor.

M.I.B.G.N.M.I. Bandara
First Year
Faculty of Management & Finance

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